Program cost is a factor that all students need to consider when researching study abroad programs. Costs vary by program location, type, and length. Also what is included in a program can vary. Estimated program costs are outlined on program brochure pages in ISUAbroad. These budget sheets serve as a resource to add up all the anticipated expenses for a program. Typical expenses include a program fee and/or tuition and fees, airfare, room and board, books and supplies, personal spending money, and others.
Most financial aid (including scholarships, grants, and loans) can be applied towards study abroad programs. Students are encouraged to meet with a Financial Aid advisor in the Office of Student Financial Aid to discuss their options. Students with a primary or secondary major in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences are eligible to apply for LAS Study Abroad Scholarships. Study abroad scholarships are also available through the greater Iowa State community as well as nationally.
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences also offers passport reimbursement for LAS students applying for a passport for the first time.